DeSqual Project
On October 23 and 24 the partners in project DeSqual (Development of Sustainable Quality assurance in VET) met for the kick-off of their new project.
This project is a collaboration of 4 Quality assurance expert organisations and 10 social service providers / VET providers for people with disabilities who will pilot a new developed training program for achieving sustainable quality assurance. With an EQUASS quality assurance certificate as a start partners will develop a training program that focusses on individual quality behavior and quality awareness of professionals and quality culture in the organisation. In this way project DeSqual will contribute to the sustainable implementation of EQAVET requirements in their quality system.
Project website:

Tentative timeline of the project:
Meeting 1: Kick-off meeting in Brussels, Belgium - 23-24 October 2013
Host: REA college Pluryn
Meeting 2: Training / curriculum design in Lisbon, Portugal - 17-18 February 2014
Meeting 3: Selection training materials in Olsberg, Germany - 2-3 June 2014
Host: Josefsheim Bigge gGmbH
Meeting 4: Training (Train the Trainers) in Valladolid, Spain -15-17 September 2014
Meeting 5: Training (Train the Trainers) and calibration / bench learning in Tallinn, Estonia 12-13 January 2015
Host: Astangu VRC
Meeting 6: Follow up meeting at EPR-Annual Conference June 2015 (Location TBD)
Host: TBD
Meeting 7: Final Conference in Nijmegen, The Netherlands - 28-29 September 2015
Host: REA college Pluryn
For more information, plase contact Marie Dubost at or the EPR secretariat at +32 (0)2 736 54 44