Annual Report 2014

The EQUASS Annual report gives an insight in both the activities and results of EQUASS during 2014 and highlights some of the challenges in operating a European quality system. The results presented in this report are encouraging and reinforce our commitment to engage social service providers in quality and continuous improvement.


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Cross-referencing EQUASS and the Swedish Management system for systematic quality work (SOSFS 2011:9)

This document describes the results and details of cross reference study based on the content details of the Swedish Management system for systematic quality work (SOSFS 2011:9), also known as Ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete, and published on 21/08/2012, compared with the content details of the certification programmes of the European Quality in Social Services (EQUASS).

EQUASS Annual Report 2013

The EQUASS Annual report gives an insight in both the activities and results of EQUASS during 2013 and highlights some of the challenges in operating a European quality system. The results presented in this report are encouraging and reinforce our commitment to engage social service providers in quality and continuous improvement.

EQUASS Newsflash - February 2014, Issue XX

Welcome to the first issue of the year! This publication is an initiative of the European Quality in Social Services to provide you with regular updates about the most recent developments and achievements of the EQUASS System.

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