Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC) is a hospital that focuses on providing rehabilitation services for children and adults with neurological disorders.
Most of the hospital’s patients are people with spinal cord and brain injuries, but we also treat patients with progressive nervous system diseases, multiple traumas and congenital developmental disabilities.
HNRC has extensive experience, an enthusiastic team with a contemporary knowledge base, and modern equipment and facilities that are all effectively employed to serve the best interests of our clients.
The main goal of HNRC is to provide high-quality, evidence-based, client-centred and comprehensive services.
SA Haapsalu Neuroloogiline Rehabilitatsioonikeskus (HNRK) on kaasaegse orientatsiooniga taastusravihaigla, mis pakub statsionaarset ja ambulatoorset taastusravi- ja rehabilitatsiooniteenust. Haiglas tegeletakse nii täiskasvanute kui lastega. HNRK peamiseks sihtgrupiks on pea- ja seljaajukahjustusega inimesed.