PRIME final conference

On 24 October 2013 the PRIME project partners met for a final conference to reflect upon the 2 years of work.



PRIME was launched in November 2011 and it aimed at using EQUASS as a tool for the implementation on the EQAVET framework for quality in the provision of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe.

The final meeting presented some of the most important results such as:
• Improved quality of their VET services for people with disabilities through the implementation of the EQAVET framework.
• Increased capacity and competences to implement the EQAVET framework in VET through training in self-assessment and internal auditing.
• Increased knowledge through the exchange of experiences in implementing EQAVET framework via interactive workshops and bench learning.
• A cross-reference study that validates EQUASS- Assurance certification program as an effective instrument to implement the EQAVET framework.

The meeting was opened by Herma Veltman, Director of Rea College Pluryn, the leading partner organisation for the project. Among others the presentations included sessions on EQAVET by Ron Reeuwijk (Rea College Pluryn) and Alie Kamphuis (Senior manager NCP EQAVET); input on management culture by Birgit Grimbergen (Rea College Pluryn), reflections on culture of self-assessment by Tita Destovnik (CenterKontura d.o.o.) as well as use of data and feedback to improve VET by Kristina Maciute Stukane (Vilnius Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre). The meeting was finalised by Michael Crowley of the Rehab Group, and evaluator for the project.