SIJ ZIP center d.o.o.

Reference: SLO2022-004
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2022-12-13
Expiration date: 2025-12-13
Scope of Services: Zaposlitvena rehabilitacija Socialna vključenost
Number of Service Users: 52
Number of Staff members: 7
Overall score:

Address: Koroška cesta 14,
Ravne na Koroškem,
2390 ,
Contact Person: Alenka STRES


SIJ ZIP center d.o.o. (ZIP center LLC) was established in 1997 and has held a status of a disability company since 1998. We are part of the SIJ Group - Slovenian Steel Industry and 100% owned by it.

Within the company, several activities have been developed. The most important programmes include carpenty, printing and cleaning and organizing of the environment, each of which contributes an equal share to 90% of the revenue.

The organizational unit Center for the rehabilitation of the disabled people of Koroška holds a concession of the Ministry of labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities for performing the employment and vocational rehabilitation. It is dedicated to the social inclusion programmes as well. 

The products and services of SIJ ZIP center are well known both locally and regionally. We are the only disability company in the region with a professional team dedicated among other to the basic mission of the disability companies - the training and employment of people with disabilities; 50% of the employees being people with disabilities.

Our business success is based on consistent implementation of Quality Management System and in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard and environmental standard ISO 14001.

SIJ ZIP center has a clear vision of further development. We aim at preserving the existing jobs and creating new job opportunities also for the comparatively the least competitive group of population in the labour market. We believe that the goals can and will be achieved through the quality of work, met deadlines and reasonable prices. This way, we hope to have our costumers return with satisfaction.

Description in native language:

Družba SIJ ZIP center, d. o. o. je bila ustanovljena leta 1997 in je v letu 1998 pridobila status invalidskega podjetja. Smo  del skupine SIJ – Slovenska industrija jekla in v njeni 100 odstotni lasti

V družbi smo razvili več dejavnosti. Najpomembnejši programi so mizarstvo, tiskarna ter storitve, ki v enakih deležih ustvarijo okoli 90 odstotkov vseh prihodkov družbe.

Organizacijska enota Center za rehabilitacijo invalidov Koroške ima koncesijo Ministrstva za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti za izvajanje storitev zaposlitvene in poklicne rehabilitacije. Izvaja tudi program socialne vključenosti.

Izdelki in storitve SIJ ZIP centra so prepoznavni v lokalnem okolju in širše v regiji. Smo edino invalidsko podjetje v regiji, ki se s strokovnim timom posveča tudi osnovnemu poslanstvu invalidskih podjetij, to je usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov; med zaposlenimi jih je 50%.

Poslovni uspeh dosegamo z doslednim izvajanjem sistema vodenja kakovosti  skladno s standardom ISO 9001 in varovanjem okolja oziroma  okoljskim standardom ISO 14001.

SIJ ZIP center ima jasno vizijo razvoja. Ohraniti želimo obstoječa in ustvarjati  nova delovna mesta tudi za  populacijo, ki je na trgu dela najmanj konkurenčna. Zavedamo se, da bomo cilje lahko dosegli s kvalitetnim delom, doseženimi roki in sprejemljivo ceno. Tako, da se bodo kupci z zadovoljstvom vračali k nam.
