Halden Arbeid og Vekst AS is an enterprise designed to help people with special needs back into ordinary work. Halden Arbeid og Vekst AS has been a door opener to active work life since 1965, with experience from schemed work, projects, courses and counseling services within vocational rehabilitation and employment related services. The Company is situated in Halden, Norway, and has 35 employees and a turnover of approximately 44 mill. NOK. The enterprise is owned by Halden Kommune – the municipality of Halden. The company consists of 3 departments – Catering and a Rehabilitation Department and one department for permanent employment to occupationally disabled persons.
Our Vision
Halden Arbeid og Vekst AS will be an innovative and leading rehabilitation company that provides individual opportunities for employment and prosperity.
Halden Arbeid og Vekst ble etablert i Halden i 1965 ved navnet Industriprodukter AS. I 2008 fusjonerte selskapet med Halden ASVO. Selskapet eies av Halden kommune. I dag er Halden Arbeid og Vekst AS en nyskapende og ledende arbeids- og inkluderingsbedrift som i hovedsak tilbyr de arbeiderettede tiltakene arbeidsforberedende trening,
AFT og varig tilrettelagt arbeid, VTA.