Vinn Industri Drammen AS

Reference: NO2024-020
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2024-05-06
Expiration date: 2027-05-06
Scope of Services: VTA
Number of Service Users: 35
Number of Staff members: 7
Overall score:

Address: Svelvikveien 81, 3039 Drammen,
Contact Person: Siri Rese Kristiansen


The stock company Vinn Industri Drammen AS has its main objective to maintain and develop the human resources of 35 users. We are service provider within vocational rehabilitation and permanently adaptet work. The profit is made through offering and selling graphic services and by packing products in cardboard, or in other packages, on the commercial marked. Vinn Industris main collaborator is NAV (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service) in the regional county  of Buskerud in Norway. The company Vinn Industri has seven employees with varied working qualifications. The owner of Vinn Industri are the township of Drammen. Our vision is: "create confidence and human growth through providing people work in secured surroundings"

Description in native language:

Vinn Industri Drammen AS har som hovedmål å opprettholde og utvikle ressurser hos 35 brukere på arbeidsmarkedstiltaket VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) Verdiskapningen skjer gjennom grafiske tjenester og emballering mot et kommersielt marked. Vår viktigste samarbeidspartner er NAV. Vinn har 7 ansatte med variert realkompetanse. Vinn eies av Drammen Kommune. Vår visjon er: "Skape menneskelig vekst gjennom trygghet og arbeid"


Organisations in the area: