Marinor AS

Reference: NO2024-033
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2024-12-16
Expiration date: 2027-12-16
Scope of Services: Varig tilrettelagt arbeid (VTA), Arbeidsforberedende Trening (AFT) Varig Lønnstilskudd (VLT)
Number of Service Users: 30
Number of Staff members: 11
Overall score:

Address: Fjordaveien 28, 9610 Rypefjord,
Contact Person: Marit Hansen


Marinor AS is a work and inclusion company base our service provision on each persons' individual needs for assistance, their work capacity and coaches each individual towards ordinary employment through qualification, job training and last but not the least through empowerment and motivation to believe in their own possibilities.

Description in native language:

Marinor AS er en arbeids- og inkluderingsbedrift som gir tilbud om avklaring, kvalifisering (opplæring og arbeidstrening) og formidling til arbeid eller videre skolegang. Vi tilbyr også tilrettelagte arbeidsplasser.


Organisations in the area: