The company Mitra AS was established in 1995 and the head office is localized in the city Finnsnes in the northern part of Norway. About 112 people have their work in our company. Our clients are both mentally and physical disable. Our main activities are industrial production, services, laundry and social services. The company has branches in the municipalities of Sørreisa and Senja, which are also owners of the company.
Mitra AS ble etablert i 1995 og har i dag ca 112 ansatte. Hovedkontoret ligger på Finnsnes. Bedriften har avdelinger i kommunene Sørreisa og Senja som også er eiere av bedriften.
Mitra AS er en:
• Arrangør av ulike arbeidsmarkedstiltak for NAV
• Industribedrift
• Service- og tjenesteorientert bedrift