Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon Bergen

Reference: NO2023-007
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2023-02-15
Expiration date: 2026-02-15
Scope of Services: AFT - Avdeling: Arbeid og kvalifisering
Number of Service Users: 5-14
Number of Staff members: 11
Overall score:

Address: Kong Oscars gate 7,
Contact Person: Torolf Myklebust


Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon in Bergen (SKBB) was founded February 5th, 1997, and is an independent non-profit foundation within the Church of Norway. As of October 1st, 2019 the organisation had 148 employees working full or part-time, with approximately 450 volunteers. The organisation aims to put into practice the diaconal mission of the state church, and is involved in a wide range of social work programs, such as those focused on youth outreach, substance abuse, or women in prostitution.

SKBB was accepted as a work training organiser for NAV in 2009, and was assigned 10 positions for individually facilitated work training (AFT). Participants in the program are offered a range of possible activities. This can vary according to need and ability within our work arenas: the wool workshop Re:Tro, Pedalen bicycle repair shop, or Krohnhagen café.

Description in native language:

Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon i Bergen (SKBB) ble stiftet 5.februar 1997 og er en selvstendig og uavhengig stiftelse innenfor Den norske kirke. SKBB hadde per 01.10.19 148 medarbeidere på heltid og deltid, og om lag 450 frivillige medarbeidere. SKBB har som formål å virkeliggjøre kirkens diakonale oppdrag, og jobber bredt innenfor mange ulike felt som blant annet tiltak rettet mot ungdom, rusavhengige og kvinner i prostitusjon.

I 2009 ble SKBB godkjent tiltaksarrangør for NAV med til sammen 10 plasser i tiltaket AFT (Arbeidsforberedende tiltak). Deltakere kan blant annet ha arbeidspraksis på et av SKBB sine tiltak som Re:Tro ullverksted, Pedalen sykkelverksted eller Krohnhagen kafé.


Organisations in the area: