Astero I Jobb AS

Reference: NO2022-004
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2022-02-15
Expiration date: 2025-02-15
Scope of Services: AFT og VTA
Number of Service Users: 74
Number of Staff members: 30
Overall score:

Address: Marsveien 4,
Contact Person: Elin Grindevik


Astero I Jobb AS is a work and rehabilitation company providing welfare services orientated to labour marked and mechanical customization. We are constantly evolving in order to adapt to public needs and changes in labour marked. All of our employees incorporate our core values - respect for others, corporate and social responsibility, job satisfaction and sustainability. Our goal is to promote peoples opportunities at work and contribute to solving societal challanges. We achieve this trough preparation under supervision, as well as supporting job- seekers to find temporary and permanent jobs which match their individual requirements.

Description in native language:

Astero I Jobb AS er en arbeids og inkluderingsbedrift som leverer velferdstjenester og mekanisk skreddersøm. Vi er i kontinuerlig endring for å tilpasse oss behovene i befolkningen og arbeidsmarkedet. Kjerneverdiene våre – respekt for andre, samfunnsansvar, arbeidsglede og bærekraft skal kjennetegne alle som er ansatt i Astero. Vårt formål er å fremme menneskers muligheter i arbeid, og bidra til å løse samfunnsutfordringer. Dette gjøres gjennom arbeidsforberedende trening under veiledning, samt formidling til ordinært arbeid og varig tilrettelagt arbeid.


Organisations in the area: