AS Rehabil

Reference: NO2020-018
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2020-11-10
Expiration date: 2023-11-10
Scope of Services: Arbeidsforberedende trening (AFT) Avklaring for Minoritetsspråklige (Mino)
Number of Service Users: 206
Number of Staff members: 52
Overall score:

Address: Østre Aker vei 206F,
Contact Person: Susann Strandberg Jørgensen


AS Rehabil is a Vocational Rehabilitation company located in Oslo, Norway. The company is owned by Blå Kors Norway. The company provides assessment, vocational training and qualification through professional and profitable production of goods and services in genuine labour environments. We work closely with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV). The services we provide for the vocationally disabled are:

• Assess the potential job and educational capacity of the individual.

• Qualifying the individual through individually adapted job training and coaching.

• Assist and help the individual in getting an ordinary job or further education in the ordinary educational syste.m.

Products and services:

• Car valeting and car repair shop

• Painting, wall- and floor covering

• Cafeteria/catering and canteen operation

• Learning Network (LN): section for individually arranged learning

• Office, IT and accounting services

• Work preparation training

Description in native language:

AS Rehabil er en arbeid- og inkluderingsbedrift i Groruddalen i Oslo. Selskapet har Blå Kors Norge som eier. NAV er vår største oppdragsgiver. Gjennom målrettet og individuelt tilpasset kartlegging, arbeidstrening og opplæring, er avklaring av arbeidsevne og formidling til ordinært arbeid vår viktigste oppgave. Bedriften produserer varer og tjenester innen service og håndverk for det ordinære markedet. Bedriften har følgende virksomhetsområder: Administrasjon / personal, Bilpleie / verksted, Maling, tapetsering og gulvlegging, Kafé/catering og kantinedrift, Læringsnettverket, Avklaring for minoritetsspråklige og AFT-tiltaket. Bedriften tilbyr fagopplæring innen kontorog administrasjonsfaget, institusjonskokkfaget og malerfaget.


Organisations in the area: