Inko AS is a company that helps people, who for some reason have fallen out of work, being included again. We prepare them for work by letting them exercise on typical work-situations and establish permanent individually organized working conditions. Types of services provided is primary work preparation training (AFT) and permanently individual work conditions (VTA) for the participants. The company has 57 years’ experience in the business and has developed its business area continuously over the years. Recent, we have been through many restructuring processes, focusing on improving existing competencies among the employees, this to secure Inko AS to be an outstanding, future-oriented competence company within work inclusion.
Inko AS er en arbeids- og inkluderingsbedrift som har varig tilrettelagt arbeid (VTA), arbeidsforberedende trening (AFT) og anbud. Selskapet har 57 års erfaring i bransjen, og har utviklet sin virksomhet kontinuerlig, med mål om å være en fremtidig kompetansebedrift innen arbeidsinkludering.